+977 9860199086

Thamel, Kathmandu


Mount Kailash Tour Overview

Mount Kailash, located in the remote reaches of the Tibetan plateau, holds a profound significance in several major religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Bon. Its history as a pilgrimage site dates back thousands of years, with its sacred status deeply embedded in ancient texts and traditions.


For Hindus, Mount Kailash is considered the earthly manifestation of Mount Meru, the spiritual center of the universe and the abode of Lord Shiva. Pilgrims undertake the challenging Kailash Mansarovar Yatra to seek blessings and spiritual liberation.In Buddhism, Kailash is known as Kang Rinpoche, or “Precious Snow Mountain,” and is believed to be the home of Demchok, a representation of supreme bliss. The mountain is also associated with the tantric teachings of Milarepa, a revered Tibetan yogi who is said to have meditated in the region.Jains revere Mount Kailash as Ashtapada, where their first Tirthankara, Rishabhadeva, attained nirvana. The mountain is thus a focal point for Jain pilgrims seeking to connect with their spiritual heritage.Bon, the indigenous religion of Tibet, views Kailash as the seat of the sky goddess Sipaimen and the axis mundi of their cosmology.


Historically, the pilgrimage to Mount Kailash has been a rigorous journey, undertaken on foot or horseback, often taking weeks or months. Despite the harsh conditions and political restrictions, devotees from India, Nepal, Tibet, and beyond have continued to make this sacred journey, driven by their deep faith and reverence for the mountain’s spiritual significance.


Today, the Kailash pilgrimage remains a symbol of spiritual endurance and devotion, attracting thousands of pilgrims each year who circumnavigate the mountain in a ritual known as the kora, believed to erase sins and bring good fortune.


Arrival and completion of formalities. Meeting and welcome by us and transfer to the planned accommodation. Tour briefing according to arrival time (possibly also the following day). Rest of the day available for an appropriate rest from the trip or (we recommend) a visit to the historic or tourist center of the capital on foot, useful for the body after prolonged inactivity in flight. Overnight at the hotel. Meals: - / - / -

Breakfast. In the morning, guided tour of Pashupathinath, a Hindu sacred place. Hundreds of faithful and pilgrims gather on the sacred banks together with the holy men and onlookers. Continuing, Bhoudanath contrasts as a Tibetan Buddhist center and with its stupa, the largest in the country and surrounded by the Tibetan market and the numerous monasteries, some of which will be visited. Boudanath is ideal for a lunch break. In the afternoon we visit the Swoyambhunath stupa, from which you can enjoy a view of the city and finally, the historic center with Durbar square, the home of the living goddess Kumari, the temples around and walk through the local markets (bazaar) of the historic center still passing by the temples to go to the hotel. Overnight at the hotel. Meals: B/ - / -

After breakfast we depart for a guided tour of Bakhtapur, a beautifully restored medieval city that retains a strong traditional character. Here art and cultural and social life are furnished with alleys, underpasses, courtyards, squares, temples and palaces. Break for lunch. In the afternoon we continue to the nearby city of Patan with its superb Durbar square, rich in architecture and the museum to visit in the old royal palace before returning to accommodation. Overnight at Hotel. Meals: B / - / -

Our program starts from early in the morning at 06:00 AM. We Drive down to Nagdhunga and follow the Trishuli River to the North from Galchi and drive to Kyrong through Dhunch and Saybrubasi to the border with is 140km and the border go throught the immigration formalities in the Nepali section and after immigration formalities cross the border and again clients have to go through Chinese immigration formalities and our Tibetan Guide will be on standby with all the necessary document and transportation with driver and after immigration formalities drive to Kyirong 70 km. o/n in Guest house.

Rest for acclimatization.

As we Head away from Nyalam, we drive further across Lalung La (5200m) through a perfect merging of breathtaking views, passes through huge turquoise lake, the Peiku-Tso with spectacular views of Shishapangma (8027m) as the backdrop, the trail follows a route that brushes past the Brahmaputra River. Further ahead, a river valley sprawls over and then traditional chocolate box villages come into picture frame. This scenically rewarding drive provides plenty of opportunities to get your video cameras into action. From then on, the trail winds towards the northern route. On covering 295km, you reach an elevation of 4600 meters. As soon as you find a suitable campsite in Saga, we set up camp for the approaching night or stay in a hotel/guest house.

After an early morning breakfast, we get set on our way to Manasarovar we come across Jeeps and trucks rolling down the wide valley following rivers and grazing herds of yaks and sheep. Far south your eyes wander to the snow covered peaks that seem so close and we drive through the Paryang and crossing the Mayumla Pass, with lots of rocky peaks and sand dunes that give you an ideal idea of Tibet’s arid landscapes. Depending on the season, nomads and other mobile shopkeepers attired in their beautiful traditional costumes can be found awaiting your arrival with hot tea and other supplies along with a big smile from ear to ear…they welcome you warmly.This route digs deep into the very essence that is Mansarovar Lake amid superb landscapes. As you near this incredible sacred lake, historic Chiu Monastery becomes visible on the North West shore of the lake. From this vantage point, you can even catch a glimpse of the majestic Mount Kailash. This journey stirs your spiritual emotions. Overnight in guest house.

The highest fresh water lake of a turquoise color is full of fishes and swans. Holy Kailash Parbat, Mt. Gurula-Mandata, & Lake Rishikesh can be found in its surroundings. The region is considered rich for gold and other mines, hot springs and hundreds of wild living fauna. We explore the Lake Mansarovar in the day & then drive down to Darchen which is a one hour drive. We then spend our night at Chu Gumba.

Early in the morning after breakfast, our trek begins; you meet your team of yaks and Tibetan yak drivers who will escort you around for the kora. Further ahead from Darchen, you have to trek past verdant meadows and picturesque streams to Lha Chu Valley. The trail overlooks Turquoise River cascading over a narrow canyon with high steep cliffs. En route, the north face of Kailash comes into vision. The trail will approach the 13th century monastery of Dira-Puk. Visiting this monastery is said to be a kind of blessing experience gifted in your Mount Kailash tour and trek. Finally, you will conclude the trek of the day by camping at Dira-Puk / resting in a guest house

Lha Chu Valley is a passing vista as you turn towards Drolma Chu Valley. Looking forward to the amazing Mount Kailash tour and trek, you ascend to Drolma La (5630m), the highest point of the trip. But soon after sighting breathtaking views of Thukpe Dzingbu Lake, known as the Lake of Compassion at the summit, you realize that this imposing and challenging ascent has indeed been very worthwhile and profitable. Several prayer flags can be seen at the summit. Further on, the trail descends to the flat fields of Zutul-Puk which houses a monastery and several fascinating caves. The caves at this locale are most popular for meditation; Milarepa’s cave being one of them with Milarepa’s footprints and elbow prints believed to be imprinted all over this cave of mani stones. As we continue our Parikrama, we camp at Zutul-Puk for the night & this is pretty exciting, adventurous and pleasurable.

Our pilgrimage trek concludes at Darchen and we drive to Horfe for our overnight camp/guest house. We feel spiritually satisfied after going to the religious rites during our parikrama & there is a deep sense of gratification as we wearily go to bed after a hard day.

You cross the Yarlung Tsangpo (Brahmaputra River) by a ferry, & continue driving 220 km to Kyirong. Soon after leaving Saga the road opens into a wide flat flowing plain and passes with spectacular views of Shishapangma (8027m) in the backdrop. Further drive to Kyirong at 1850 meters. Overnight in a guest house

From Kyirong, you cruise down to the border town Rasuwagadi Nepalese border where you bid farewell to your Tibetan guide and driver and hike down to the Nepalese Immigration Control where you will be met by your Nepalese escorts. After completing the re-entry formalities you continue the scenic drive to Kathmandu which, depending on road and weather conditions, should take about 7-8 hours.

Rooms reserved until noon. Day off. In good time, according to the departure time of your flight, transfer to the airport for boarding and end of our services. Meals: B / - / -

Cost Includes

  • Transportation by Van or bus as per the group size.
  • Accommodation in twin sharing Standard Hotel(3 Star Hotel) on Full board basis
  • TTB permit and Kailash permit
  • Monastery Entrance fees
  • All sightseeing by English speaking Tibetan guide.

Cost Excludes

  • Nepal re-entry visa fees
  • Sleeping Bag and Down Jacket
  • Insurance of any kind
  • Expenses of personal nature
  • Emergency evacuation Cost
  • Tips for staff Driver

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